Job Search Strategies Package

If you feel like you have been searching without much success or are in the early stages of your search and want to better understand what type of opportunities would be a good fit, this package is for you.  This package includes 3 hours of consulting and an excel based job search workbook to keep yourself organized and productive. It is designed to be completed over a 4 week timeframe to help you identify opportunities that are a good fit for you and build the skills to master a successful job search. We will use the first hour of consulting to define your career goals, identify what opportunities you should focus on as well as the weekly goals for your search. We will use the remaining 2 hours in four, 30 minute weekly sessions to monitor your progress and adjust your goals. This is a great package to add if you are doing your resume or LinkedIn profile with us but it is also a great package for clients who feel that their resume and LinkedIn profile tell the right story. If you are not sure what your next career move should be or you feel like you have been job searching without much success this package will help you with the following: How to define you career goals and the opportunities you are interested in. How to research companies and jobs to better understand which ones are the best for you. How to use your network to identify companies and jobs you might be interested in How to use your network to find the jobs that are not even advertised and or help you create a job that an employer might not have even known they need you to fill. How to develop conversational interview skills that impress hiring managers and differentiate you from the competition. How to effectively negotiate your compensation package and not accept the first offer given. Working with our experienced Career Coach over the 4 weeks, you will be able to make adjustments to your strategy and goals as your search evolves and the weekly calls will ensure that you achieve your goals. This package is designed to be flexible and adapt to your changing needs to maximize the effectiveness of finding your next opportunity.

Job Search Strategies Package

    Career Consulting

    LinkedIn Profile(Up to 50% Off)

    Resume Services
